Tuesday, June 7, 2011


06 june, 2011

आज एक बर्थ डे पार्टी मैं जाना हुआ ( मतलब एक और पार्टी : भावना को समझो yr)

मेरी दोस्त के छोटे भाई ,कुश , की seventh बर्थ डे पार्टी. जहाँ मुझे invite किया गया था . पहले तो मेने सोचा की यार सब उनके घर वाले होंगे अजीब लगूंगा, फिर सोचा की दिल से बुलाया है तो जाना चाहिए...मैं गया.
हालाँकि थोडा सा लेट था but, हम भी busy रहते हैं आजकल, क्या करें!! ...

(.hehehe ..well jokes apart)

मेरी दोस्त के चाचा (Mr.SUSHIL BAID) आये उन्होंने recieve किया और पास होने की बधाई दी और फिर almost पुरे टाइम साथ ही थे और खिला रहे थेI ...यार किसी के दोस्त की ऐसी खातिरदारी कौन करता है!!...वो सब बच्चो से एक दोस्त की तरह बात करते , हंसी मजाक करते ,कंधे पे हाथ रख एक दोस्त की feel देते ...और पूछो मत उनके इस व्यवहार ने मनो खुश कर दिया...और मजबूर कर दिया की मैं कुछ लिखूं..
न तो फिजूल तारीफ करने की आदत है और न ही मैं करता हूँ...पर ऐसा लगा जैसे भाड़ मैं जाये वो लोग जो कहते हैं अमीर लोग ये ,अमीर लोग वो. वे सिर्फ अपने काम से मतलब रखते हैं ,छोटे बड़े का ख्याल नहीं है ...वगेरह! वगेरह!..

.उनको मैं ये कहूँगा, जाकर मिलो एक बार sushil baid से फिर पता चलेगा..और तो और मुझे यह कहते हुए बिलकुल भी Second thought या शर्म नहीं आ रही है की मेरी friend list मैं एक और नाम और मेरी life मैं एक और इंसान जुड़ गया है ... i know इतना contact नहीं होगा bt आज का दिन नहीं भूलूंगा.. he actually made me feel like a part of the family..

पर मेरी दोस्त तो ज्यादातर rude ही रहती है...वो ये पढेगी और बोलेगी ...
"साला फिर से MELODRAMA"...Isnt it? :)
(jus kiddin dear)

K.L. (BAid) uncle. उन्होंने मेरे अन्दर घुसते ही पूछा "बोल कहाँ party चाहिए?" ..मेने सोचा, किस पार्टी की बात कर रहे हैं ..मेने कहा " ये पार्टी ही तो है "...तो वो बोले की "तू टॉप किया है कॉलेज मैं उसकी पार्टी "..फिर उन्होंने मेरे सर पे हाथ रखे के अपना प्यार दिखाया और मैं तो बस रो ही दिया था समझो. मतलब कहने वाली बात ये है की उन्हें क्यूँ फर्क पड़ेगा की मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ क्या नहीं या क्या हासिल किया है.

एक तो मेरे पापा ने पूछा और एक उन्होंने पूछा.. मतलब घर वाले तो पूछेंगे ही पर मैं तो उनकी बेटी का दोस्त हूँ सिर्फ और उन्होंने एक घर के सदस्य की भांति मुझसे बातें की ...और अब इस से ज्यादा और क्या चाहिए. ये ऐसी छोटी छोटी बातें हैं जो मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगती है और मैं खुद भी इन्हें अपनाता हूँ...
सदस्य है नहीं तो क्या हुआ, बना लो.

क्यूँ,सही है ना?

बस मन किया की लिखूं और share करूँ ..सो कर दिया. जो भी है उन्होंने क्यों किया , या ऐसे ही किया ...चाहे कुछ भी reason हो...worth attending बना दिया ..ऐसे लोग हो अगर, तो मैं बिना invitation भी चला जाऊं :P

one more impotant and funny thing the birthday boy said when i wished him
"भैया आप कौन हो ? मैं आपको जनता नहीं हूँ इसलिए मुझे wish मत करना " ...i said wtf?? i called my frnd n said "इतनी बार तेरे घर आया और ये मुझे जनता नहीं है!! "..
that was really cute of him.

CONCLUSION: ये है की लोगो को व्यवहार से परखो, कार से नहीं ...अच्छे लोगों की कमी नहीं है.

P.S. हम भी काफी अमीर है ..ठीक है ना!!.. पहले ही बता दूँ हमारे पास INDIGO LX hai.


Saturday, June 4, 2011


So, after all this BBA thing, i'm now a proud graduate, topping the charts again.

Now the serious scene will start, the scene of MBA/PGDM. For that i've taken admision in New Delhi Institute of Management,New Delhi. I recently visited the campus and hostel.
(25 may,2011) and i was staying there at my masi's place in model town. I had so much of fun with all my cousins, so called BROTHERS OF DESTRUCTION.
I've visited delhi several times, but this trip was a bit different because it ended with LESSONS,TEACHINGS and LEARNINGS. and now i'm scared.

Scared because facing the environment there in delhi, matching with the intelligent students is surely a tough job. For me , being a proper bikaneri, pure rajasthani, a family boy, it'll be much more tougher. I'm not that matured, i might not be able to cope up with situation over there, i might not be able to balance my brain with that of students there with sharpness. One day i was travelling in the metro and at some station, i think Rajeev Chowk, couple of students of my age entered inside and they started conversing in English. i was very much impressed by their fluency and somewhere down the line i felt that,"yaar abhishek tu to inke aagey kuch bhi nahi hai."

I always thought that my english has improved after my 12th but then i realised that it was only the 10% of what i saw in the train. At that particular time i was stammering and speaking to myself that CONFIDENCE RAKH AND EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. I simply need to make confidence my FORTE.

I'm also scared because to prove myself here is actually the big thing which will take every single bit of energy and i know who i am and what it takes to tackle all these. In short , i've to work harder n harder. All thanks to Facebook that i made some friends who'll be my batchmate (PGDM 11-13) some are good,some are idiotic, some are over excited but one (NISHU my very good frnd now) with whom i can see the brighter side of friendship in future. i'm hoping that she proves me right.

So, lets start with the learning aspect.

Learning were very less. I learned two things over there. FIRST, once u enter into the metro leave your manners aside and then enter inside. because as soon as you grab one seat, the people who are still standing will keep on staring at you with the world's most pathetic expression, and they'll continue this thing till the time you dont offer them the seat.

SECOND, when you are in a mood to talk or when you are actually talking to a beautiful girl, make sure that none of her relative is sitting nearby. it's always not possible that the girl who is looking at you will do talk because you never know... saamne uske PAPAJI bethe ho.

Now we switch to LESSONS.

One night we all four (Udit,Anshul,Mukesh and me) were sitting and gossiping, that gossip turned into arguments and then to heated arguments. (Though i enjoyed it thoroughly)
On every single line or statement unintentionally they were pointing me.

In the house i have the image of a good boy who does all the work, never argues, who listens to everybody, a chaploos sought of personality, who loves to help just for the sake of appreciation in return, never think of after effects.

May be they dont like this attitude in me or may be they do, i don't know. it's just that they wanted me to learn the simple lesson which concludes that nobody here is your friend, there's no place for appreciation, only people who appreciates is your parents. do everything for your self gain.

so, i just want to check whether they are right or i can prove them wrong. (i've been given the time of 2 years) and i also want to say that place will never ever be a hurdle or a source to change whoever i am or my nature, i'll always be the same.
and i sincerely thank UDIT for helping me in finding out the mistakes which i did or which i could have done and which i'll never do in future.

And now we Graduate to TEACHINGS.

Teaching to bahut chhoti si hai boss...

listen to what everybody says, and do what exactly you want to do.

Let's see, delhi really changes me or not and to see that i have to say....